A water filtration system is only effective when you maintain it.
Just like changing the oil in your car to ensure it runs smoothly, changing your water filters ensures you get the cleanest, safest and tastiest water from your investment. We recommend reverse osmosis water filters be changed annually. This applies to those who are on municipal water. If you have well a rural water supply source (cistern or well), you may have to change them every 6 months.
Commonly Asked Questions:
Changing your R/O filters + LOW PRESSURE from your R/O System.
My filters look clean after one year of use, do I still need to change them?
Yes! Although the filters may still look clean, the function of a carbon filter is to absorb chlorine. You cannot visually see when that filter is no longer effective. It rarely looks dirty however, once it’s reached its capacity to absorb chlorine, the chlorine will seep through to the membrane. This will lead to early deterioration of the most expensive & important part of your RO system.
I’m away for 3-6 months of the year. Do I still need to change the filters annually?
In this situation, you can push your filter change ahead a few months if the system is not being used. It will require a good flush when you return to remove stagnant water. Ensure you put a reminder in your calendar of the new filter change date.
I’m losing water pressure in my R/O system sooner than the annual filter change date. What could be causing this?
There are typically 3 reasons for low pressure in an R/O system.
First, the filters are clogged and need to be changed. This could be due to high use of the system or dirtier water (typically if you’re on a well or cistern with no prefiltration).
The second reason could be that your tank has lost pressure and needs to be repressurized up to 10-12psi.
The third reason is you may have low feed pressure -again, typical on rural water (well or cistern)
Reverse Osmosis Systems can last upwards of 20 years, as long as you take good care of them. If you have any questions or are experiencing issues with your R/O system, we’re happy to help. Our experienced service technicians can solve most water system concerns with a simple service call. Give us a call or email.