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Water Filtration Solutions

Better Health Starts With Clean Water


We know there's an overwhelming amount of information to sort through when it comes to choosing a water filtration system for your home that actually works.  We also know that trying to sort through the options can be frustrating and time consuming.

That's where we come in

We will walk you through each step of the process, keep it simple and make sure that you get a tailored solution that works for your home and budget.

We will not sell you something you don't need!

This process starts with a personal consult to determine:

1. Where your water comes from. ​

2. Your personal concerns.

3. How much of your water you want to filter.

From there we will test your water and

make sure you get the solution that fits your needs.

Filtration Products

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis is a water purification process that separates water molecules from other substances. RO can remove dissolved or suspended chemical species, including 95-98% of all chlorine, chemicals, metals (lead chromium, arsenic, mercury, cadmium), pharmaceuticals, pesticides, herbicides, sulphates and nitrates. 

This is a process of “straining” your water, much like straining the pulp out of orange juice.


This solution is best for the cleanest, freshest tasting drinking water as the system is installed under your kitchen sink with a separate faucet for the purified water. We can also run an RO line to a fridge for the water/ice options. Perfect for all types of water sources (well, city, slake and cistern).




Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems

UV systems use ultraviolet light to disinfect water. This is a chemical-free technology that is highly efficient at controlling microbial growth in any medium, such as water and air, as well as on any type of surface.


The most common water-born pathogens in North America are E.coli and coliforms. Other forms of bacteria and viruses can also be present in untreated water. These troublesome critters are tiny micro-organisms called pathogens. When they're ingested from consuming contaminated drinking water, you will become very sick. Transmission of pathogens can also occur while bathing, showering, brushing teeth, or by eating food that has been exposed to infected water.


This solution is best for anyone on a private, rural water supply that is not treated with chlorine by the municipality. – well, cistern or lake water.




Water Softeners

Water softeners remove calcium, magnesium, and other minerals from tap water.

Resin beads inside the softener trap the calcium and magnesium and exchange them for sodium or potassium.


Water softeners do not filter your water.


This solution is best for people on well water. Well water is groundwater that collects minerals from the ground beneath, often making it very hard water. Hard water causes problems in plumbing, appliances and the human body and is considered a nuisance by many homeowners. The buildup of minerals on dishes, clothing, fixtures, and even skin and hair can take their toll over time.




Iron / Sulphur Filtration

These systems are an effective way to filter out iron, sulphur, manganese, and other insoluble contaminants (materials that do not dissolve in water).


This solution is best for people on well water who are experiencing red rust staining on toilets, bathtubs, showers, clothing. Their water may be cloudy and reddish orange in appearance. If sulphur is present, there will be rotten egg smell throughout the home originating from the cold and hot water faucets.




Carbon Backwash

Carbon backwash is a self cleaning water filtration system that will removes chlorine along with taste and odor, chlorine by-product- trihalomethanes (THM's) and trichloroethylene (TCE's), pesticides and herbicides  It also removes some sediments through mechanical filtration.


This solution is best for people on city water or cistern water whose water is chlorinated. They may be suffering from dry itchy skin, psoriasis, dry frizzy hair.




Carbon Filtration

Activated carbon acts as a sponge and absorbs chlorine, chlorine by-product- trihalomethanes (THM's) and trichloroethylene (TCE's), pesticides and herbicides and organic contaminants in water by absorbing them.

This solution is best for people on city water or cistern water whose water is chlorinated. They may be suffering from dry itchy skin, psoriasis, dry frizzy hair.




If you are ready to improve your water so that you can have better health and a better life, reach out to us for a personal consult. 

"I really appreciate you guys. I have never had a service more reliable and honest. My whole family feels better with the water provided from you." - Alicia

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